ACSA’s Privacy Policy Regarding Personal and Corporate Information

The privacy of your personal and/or corporate information (collectively referred to as “Personal Information” and “information” even if corporate) is important to the American Cotton Shippers Association (“ACSA”). We provide you with our Privacy Policy to describe what information we may collect about you; how we use your information; and how we protect it. Use of ACSA’s website is always subject to this Policy.

We will post privacy policy changes on our website in a timely manner.

Your Consent

By using our website you agree with the terms of this Policy. Whenever you use our website, you consent to the collection, use, and disclosure of that information in accordance with this Policy.
The following articles make up our Policy. We hope that reading them gives you a clear idea of how we manage your Personal Information.

  • Personal Information We Collect
  • Personal Information Usage
  • Protection of Personal Information

When we refer to ourselves as “we” or “ACSA”, we mean our entire company, and any affiliated or related entity or any contractor working under our direction and control. We may share information with an affiliated or related entity, but it is always subject to the terms of this Policy.
This Policy applies only to ACSA’s website. We are not responsible for your information on other websites, once you leave ACSA’s website. You should read the Policy at each website that you visit after you leave one of our websites.

Personal Information We Collect

In this section of our Policy, we discuss the different types of information we may collect about you and the ways we collect information.

Information We Collect From Visitors

When you visit our website we may track information provided to us by your browser, including the referring URL, your browser type, IP address, the time and date of access, domain name, mobile device identifier, and/or pages visited. We use Google Analytics for such data capture and analysis. Details of Google Analytics Privacy Policy and the data captured can be found at We  may use this information in various ways including to personalize offerings and presentations, facilitate your movements throughout our websites, provide personalized services, and communicate with you individually.

Other Information

We may collect information that you voluntarily provide to us through responses to questionnaires, surveys, polling, and the like.
We may ask you to provide additional information such as your email address if you want to obtain additional services or information or to resolve complaints or concerns.

Use of Cookies and Other Tracking Systems

Cookies are a technology used by ACSA to identify a user as the user moves through our website. Your browser allows us to place some information on your device for identification. Cookies are used to personalize our websites and to track your usage across all of our websites. The ACSA website is driven by WordPress and uses WordPress cookies. Information about the cookies used by WordPress can be found at>  Google Analytics also uses cookies and information about the cookies used by Google Analytics can be found at the above internet address for Google Analytics.
Your web browser settings should allow you to control whether you will accept cookies, reject cookies, or notify you each time a cookie is sent to you. If your browser is set to reject cookies, websites that are cookie enabled will not recognize you when you return to the website, and some website functionality may be lost. For example, our websites may not be able to authenticate you, and you may not be able to access parts of the websites.
Cookies do not normally contain personally identifiable information. If you have provided us information about yourself, we may associate your registration information with cookies our website places on your device. Associating a cookie with your registration information allows us to offer increased personalization and functionality.

Information Usage

We may analyze or aggregate data about visitors to our website. We may use it in various ways including market analysis. We may provide information from our website in aggregate form, with identifying information removed, to third parties. Past information, in aggregate form, may be provided to third parties even if knowledgeable persons might be able to ascertain from the aggregated data that a given company was the probable source of certain activities. Depending on our agreement with the third parties, we may or may not charge for this information.

Protection of Information


ACSA’s server log file is accessible to ACSA personnel and contractors who use or maintain the server. We use physical, electronic and managerial procedures seeking to safeguard and secure the information we collect. However, transmitting information over the internet is never completely secure and any computers linked to the internet run the risk of being hacked, intercepted, collected, used or disclosed by others.  Thus ACSA cannot and does not guarantee complete security.
Details of Google Analytics security can be found at the above internet address for Google Analytics.

Third Parties

In addition to the circumstances and information discussed above, we may share some kinds of information with third parties as described below.

  • Companies and People Who Work for Us: We may contract with other companies and individuals to help us provide services. For example, we may host some of our websites on another company’s devices, hire technical consultants to maintain our systems and websites, or work with companies to remove repetitive information from customer lists, analyze data, provide marketing assistance, and provide customer service. In order to perform their jobs, these other companies may have limited access to some of the information we maintain about our users. We require all such companies to comply with the terms of our privacy policies, to limit their access to any personal information to the minimum necessary to perform their services, and not to use the information they may access for purposes other than fulfilling their responsibilities to us. We use our best efforts to limit the use of other companies in areas where personally identifiable information may be involved.
  • Legal Requirements: We may release account and other personal information when we believe release is required to comply with law. We may release protected information, if, in our judgment and after review by an attorney, the release is compelled by law or regulation, or if the release may be necessary to prevent violation of law or serious injury.